Hi, I'm Joel.
If you clicked on this article , you were/are probably like me . You are interested in tech,web development (we'll just call it webdev) , but you dont know where to start .You have heard of Technical writing and you were curios enough to come on Hashnode to check it out. You've probably checked out many other sites too, i wouldn't want to bore you with details, there will be other times for that , but for now welcome, you've found it .
On this blog i will be writing about new tech trends , technical writing (more), things i found to be interesting in my weird coding journey and i'll be answering some coding questions, so feel free to ask anytime you have.
I'll try to keep this short and sweet, so please subscribe to this blog and let's go on this crazy journey together.
So it's bye for now and
"May the force be with you"